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Plastic Resource Referral Program

Plastic Resource Referral Program

In addition to our Reseller Program, we now offer a Referral Program that rewards you for sending your gift & loyalty card customers in our direction. When you’re short on resources or want to connect a client with a service you don’t provide, send them to Plastic Resource to complete the job. Your referral can earn you a commission and strengthen your relationship with your client.

Partner With Plastic Resource Through Our Referral Program

We’ve created a completely new way to partner with us that can earn you money. Our new Referral Program is designed to help you build relationships and earn a commission by sending customers to our website via a custom URL.

Here’s how it works:

  • Send potential customers. You will be provided a unique URL that will link customers to our site while giving you credit for the referral.
  • You earn a commission. Whenever a customer uses your link and completes an order with us within 180 days, you earn a 10 percent commission, no strings attached. It’s our way of saying thanks for sending business our way.

Here’s how to get started:

  1. Create an account. Creating an account is quick and easy. When you sign up for our referral program, you’ll create an account on our site where you will find all the tools you need. We’ll collect your username and payout information via our online account administration interface. We have an entire suite of marketing tools and ideas for getting referrals, including prepared banners, resources for phone and print strategies, and online links.
  2. Start generating referrals. Getting started is as simple as giving out your custom URL, or publishing it on your website. There are no minimum orders and no haggling for you to deal with.

Get started by signing up for our Referral Program today.