See How Easily You Can Boost Gift Card Sales
Jul 31, 2015
A successful gift card program takes more than a unique design. By following these logistical tips, you can improve gift card sales and reach more customers with your brand.
Increasing Gift Card Sales
If you have a gift card program, you probably started it to generate extra sales, offer convenience to your customers, and strengthen your brand. Realizing a healthy return on investment from your gift card program takes more than just having them, however. The following tips can help you boost sales, reach more customers, and generate more consistent revenue from your gift card program.
Customize your cards.
Gift cards that have your unique branding and logo elements on them will stand out more than generic cards. Customized cards also strengthen your marketing efforts and create a more personal feel for cards that are being given as gifts.
Create multiple designs.
Give your customers options. People appreciate the opportunity to choose a style and design that they or someone they care about identifies with.
Many businesses keep their gift certificates in cash registers or behind the counter for security reasons. Plastic gift cards that are given value at point of sale eliminate this security issue and allow you to strategically display your cards throughout the store and at the counter.
Combine with a loyalty program.
Tie your gift cards to a customer loyalty program that rewards customers for patronizing your business. Gift cards can be offered at a discount to loyalty members, or membership cards can carry gift card balances.
Plan ahead.
The holidays are a big sales season for gift cards. Don’t be caught unprepared! Nothing hurts sales like not having enough inventory. Anticipate heavy use of your point of sale system, and an increase in your normal gift card sales numbers by training your staff accordingly, stocking up on inventory, and preparing your custom gift card displays for the appropriate holidays. Planning ahead can help you work out any bugs in your system and ensure smooth operation during your busiest time of year.
Work with an experience card manufacturer.
You can take full advantage of the benefits of custom membership cards for your business by working with an experienced card manufacturer. Plastic Resource offers a suite of custom card options, including design and manufacturing services, custom card packaging options, and customer service. Visit our website (www.plasticresource.com) to discover your options for customized membership cards.