Gift Cards With High Resale Value
Apr 1, 2016
2015 was a record-setting year for gift card sales. Now that the holiday gift giving season is over, you can sell the gift cards you received that you don’t want. Find out which ones are the most valuable and have the most resale value online.
Popular Gift Cards For Resale
For nine years in a row, gift cards have been the most requested holiday gift in America, according to statistics from the National Retail Federation. More than $26 billion was spent on gift cards during the 2015 holiday season alone. While they are extremely popular, not all cards are created equal. What do you do when you get a gift card from a business you don’t like?
Sell it for cold, hard cash.
CardHub estimates that more than $45 billion in gift cards lies unused since 2005. Instead of stashing your unwanted cards in your sock drawer or the bottom of your purse, go online and sell them for cash.
The plastic gift cards with the highest resale value include*:
- Shell. Gasoline is a regular purchase for families and businesses alike. For this reason, Shell gift cards sell for 99 percent of their resale value.
- Target and Walmart. Resale value for these popular retail gift cards is 96.5 percent.
- Home Depot. DIY is bigger than ever, which explains why you can get a whopping 95 percent of the value of your Home Depot gift card when you sell it online
- MasterCard. MasterCard gift cards sell for at least 95 percent of their value.
- Babies R Us. Trade in your Babies R Us gift card and get 95 percent of its value in cash when you sell it online!
- Costco. The popular members-only bulk wholesaler gift cards fetch 95 percent of their value when sold online.
- Apple Store. The popularity of iPhones, iPads, and Macintosh computers keeps Apple Store gift cards selling at 95 percent of their face value.
You can find out more about gift card trends and how to incorporate gift cards into your next project at Plastic Resource. Find out more at www.plasticresource.com.